We all love a how to list, but you’re really going to love this one.
Before we jump into making it green we need to understand why it went yellow in the first place.
The most common reasons for a yellow lawn are:
My lawn isn’t exactly yellow but my neighbours is better– It’s not uncommon to be green with envy when chasing the best lawn in the street. If you are the type of person who checks out other lawns as you go for a walk then you fit right in here. Taking it to best in the street comes from a little plant science, the extra greening comes from using a fertiliser higher in greening elements like iron. Lawn Play Enhance has 10% iron and achieves this fast, in less than 24 hours in actively growing turf. Lawnganics Brilliance is a unique patented organic formulation which is used by many professional stadiums because it holds the colour, well, brilliantly.
Should I fertilise it?– Of cause! Not fertilising is a leading course of lawn death. It quite simply won’t be green unless it’s actively growing. While soils can contain nutrients to support a plant, it’s important to remember many Australian native soils don’t have the nutrients in a form which the lawn can use. So, it needs to be added 2-3 times a year in the form of a slow-release granular fertiliser like Lawn Play All Rounder. If you have let your lawn into disrepair then use Lawn Play Renovate every 8 weeks until it’s restored to its previous beauty.

I’ve got some damage on my lawn– Get onto our lawn pest problem solver, if you can’t spot your problem hit us up at [email protected]
It’s summer and it’s starting to go yellow in some areas– Give it a water and dig a hole, you might be surprised to find the area of soil is hydrophobic, hydro what? Sometimes soils (particularly sands) develop waxy coatings around them and this stops water from getting into the soil. An application of Lawn Play Aquaturf will help resolve this. During peak dry periods it’s best to apply every 30 days to ensure this doesn’t happen.