
The Safe Use of Garden Chemicals and Fertilisers

The Safe Use of Garden Chemicals and Fertilisers

Gardening can create a lush outdoor space perfect for fun and entertaining, but it can require the use of chemicals like fertilisers, herbicides, and pesticides. While these products are effective, their misuse can pose risks to health and the environment. In this...

Can any fertiliser be a plant fertiliser?

Can any fertiliser be a plant fertiliser?

Not all plants require the same nutrition so no, not all fertilisers can be plant fertilisers. Maintaining a vibrant and healthy garden requires careful consideration when it comes to selecting the right products for your plants. While some products may promise a...

How to Use Primo Maxx

How to Use Primo Maxx For more details, check out our guide below where we delve into detail on the calculations. Using the example of a 10L sprayer on a 200m2 Hybrid couch lawn. If you need help working out rates for your...

Couch Grass Lawn Care Guide

Couch Grass Lawn Care Guide

Couch grass is a timeless favourite particularl for those in the northern parts of Australia, it’s celebrated for its fine texture and adaptability to diverse climates both hot and cold. Its fine blades create a soft and inviting carpet, while its ability to withstand...

Cool Season Grass Lawn Care Guide

Cool Season Grass Lawn Care Guide

Cool Season grasses, for example Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass, thrive in cooler temperatures, making them ideal choices for lawns in temperate regions. These grasses exhibit lush, vibrant green growth during the spring and autumn. Known for their resilience in the...

Kikuyu Grass Lawn Care Guide

Kikuyu Grass Lawn Care Guide

Kikuyu is most known for its robust growth and hardiness, stands as a popular choice for lawns that demand resilience and quick establishment. Flourishing in full sun, Kikuyu forms a dense and durable carpet, making it well-suited for high-traffic areas. Its vibrant...

Zoysia Grass Lawn Care Guide

Zoysia Grass Lawn Care Guide

Zoysia is relatively new into the homeowner space and brings a touch of elegance to lawns with less work than many other grasses. This grass variety forms a dense and visually appealing carpet. Thriving in both full sun and partial shade, Zoysia is well-suited for...