
Benefits of Sowing Cool Season Grasses In Autumn

Benefits of Sowing Cool Season Grasses In Autumn

When it comes to germinating seed we recommend people remember the acronym WOT, as in WOT does it take for seed to grow. Water, Oxygen and Temperature. Temperature is the most commonly overlooked factor and generally the reason for failure when it comes to germinating...

Choosing The Right Lawn Type For You

Choosing The Right Lawn Type For You

Choosing a lawn is one of the most important decisions you can make in your lawn journey. The reasons are simple, a lawn that is not suited to that environment simply needs more care in nearly every way. In this article we review the most common lawn types, where you...

Lawn Renovation: The myths and how to do it properly

Lawn Renovation: The myths and how to do it properly

  Like any house renovation there’s times when you have to gut the lot, then there’s times when your lawn just needs a coat of paint. In this article we cover what type of lawn renovation is best suited to you and your lawn, what all the terminology means, the...