Painting your lawn

Written by Ian Thompson

Ian holds a Masters in Turf Management from Sydney University, has over 20 years experience working as a golf course Superintendent, turf manager, product formulation and development. We call him our resident Lawn genius.

A vibrant and lush green lawn is a sight to behold, but sometimes, achieving that perfect shade of green can be challenging. Instead of resorting to painting your lawn, there is a more natural looking alternative: using pigments. Pigments, when applied correctly, can enhance the chlorophyll content in your lawn, resulting in a healthier and greener turf.


Pigments can be used to boost the chlorophyll content, which plays a crucial role in photosynthesis and overall plant health. By enhancing chlorophyll production, pigments help maximise the lawn’s ability to capture sunlight and convert it into energy, leading to improved growth and a vibrant green color.


Benefits of Using Pigments

Increased Photosynthesis: Pigments enhance the absorption of light, allowing plants to capture more energy for photosynthesis. This results in improved growth, increased vigor, and overall lawn health.


Stress Tolerance: Pigments can provide a protective barrier against environmental stressors such as excessive sunlight, heat, and drought. They act as a natural sunscreen, reducing the risk of sunburn and minimising water loss through transpiration.


Extended Green Period: Pigments can help extend the period of vibrant green colour in your lawn, even during stressful periods like drought or extreme temperatures. This allows for a longer-lasting aesthetic appeal.


Using pigments to boost chlorophyll in your lawn offers a natural and effective way to achieve a vibrant green color without resorting to painting. By harnessing the power of pigments, you can enhance photosynthesis, improve stress tolerance, and extend the green period of your lawn.

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