Bumper 625 EC – 1 Litre


10 in stock

Bumper is a turf fungicide for use on Dollar Spot and Spring Dead Spot diseases.

What’s in it

BUMPER® 625 EC Fungicide contains Propiconazole, a systemic foliar fungicide with protective and curative action. BUMPER® 625 EC acts as an ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor. BUMPER® 625 EC mixes readily with water.
Bumper is a systemic fungicide, that can both prevent and control Dollar Spot and Spring Dead Spot.

How do I use it?

Simply add 24ml to 10L of water and apply to 100m2.
The product contains the active ingredient Propiconazole.

It’s important to ensure you have the right product for the right disease and start doing the right things culturally, so feel free to send us some photos.
Propiconazole belongs to the triazole family so you will see some growth inhibition on the lawn, if using other plant growth regulators it is best to avoid using both at the same time.

If you have any other technical questions please send us a message.

Bumper is a turf fungicide for use on Dollar Spot and Spring Dead Spot diseases.

What’s in it

BUMPER® 625 EC Fungicide contains Propiconazole, a systemic foliar fungicide with protective and curative action. BUMPER® 625 EC acts as an ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor. BUMPER® 625 EC mixes readily with water.
Bumper is a systemic fungicide, that can both prevent and control Dollar Spot and Spring Dead Spot.

How do I use it?

Simply add 24ml to 10L of water and apply to 100m2.
The product contains the active ingredient Propiconazole.

It’s important to ensure you have the right product for the right disease and start doing the right things culturally, so feel free to send us some photos.
Propiconazole belongs to the triazole family so you will see some growth inhibition on the lawn, if using other plant growth regulators it is best to avoid using both at the same time.

If you have any other technical questions please send us a message.

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What's in it?

What’s in it?

The product contains the active ingredient Propiconazole.

The technical stuff
It’s important to ensure you have the right product for the right disease and start doing the right things culturally, that’s why we have produced this guide.
Propiconazole belongs to the triazole family so you will see some growth inhibition on the lawn, if using other plant growth regulators it is best to avoid using both at the same time.

If you have any other technical questions please send us a message.

Q & A

How do I get the best results?

A nice even coverage of the lawn is critical. The product is best applied before disease levels get out of control and as a preventative for Spring Dead Spot.

How much water should I apply to water in?

Watering is not required, however the application rate includes a large amount of water when applying (10-20L/100m2).

Is this safe for all turf types?

Absolutely, however the growth inhibition of the fungicide will be seen more on some lawn types than others.

How long before I see results?

It is difficult to identify the results of a fungicide, you need to look along the edges of where the disease occurs, the turf should not be changing to a yellow colour. Unfortunatley fungicides only kill the disease, they do not regrow the grass, so where the grass has been significantly damaged by the fungus then the grass will die and remain dead.

Is it safe for kids and pets?

The product is not safe for kids and animals. Be sure to keep kids and animals off the lawn for several days after application.

Do I need to do anything else to keep my lawn looking good?

There’s a whole range of things you can do, the basics start with fertilising, weed control and insect protection. We have a great calendar and some great packs that help you solve all those problems in one go.

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