Lawn Program – Life beyond weed and feed

plant fertiliser

Written by Ian Thompson

Ian holds a Masters in Turf Management from Sydney University, has over 20 years experience working as a golf course Superintendent, turf manager, product formulation and development. We call him our resident Lawn genius.

Lawn mowed, edges done, weeds killed, fertiliser applied and watered in. Well you have probably deserved a well-earned rest in our eyes. So what’s next after doing a weed and feed, or in other words how do I take my lawn to the next level? In this blog we explore the importance of a professional quality weed and feed as well as what comes next, a proper lawn program.


The importance of a weed and feed

The problem I see and hear most often is that results aren’t what they were expecting and so they come to us for advice. That some of the weeds looked sick and then came back, that the lawn started to green up but its not as nice and dense as the neighbours down the road. This often leaves us wondering are we doing it right, well if you have the same weeds in your lawn every year and they’re growing in numbers the answer is simply no. That’s why we’ve covered how to get the best results from your weed and feed and how to weed and feed like a pro. These articles explain how to prevent weeds from coming up in your lawn and how to maintain a dense green lawn year-round.


What’s next

When it comes to what comes after weed and feed it’s one of those “how long is a piece of string” type questions and so we thought we would quickly cover the next top 3 things to do.

  • Protect your lawn from common lawn grubs using professional quality insecticides like Acelepryn
  • Prevent grass weeds such as winter grass and crabgrass using Spartan
  • Doing a lawn renovation


Protecting your lawn from common lawn grubs


There are a number of lawn grubs which attack our lawns and that’s why we recommend a broad spectrum insecticide like Acelepryn which last up to six months for grubs like African black beetle larvae. This is best applied in September for most areas but for those in the northern states like Queensland it’s best to apply in August and again in December as lawn army worm is extremely prevalent in this area and can wreak havoc to your lawn I just one night.


Prevent grass weeds


Grass weeds such as winter grass and crabgrass are very difficult to get out of your lawn. As you can imagine it requires quite specialised formulations when you’re trying to kill one grass out of another grass. While this chemistry does exist for some lawn types these chemicals can be dangerous to handle and costly. That’s why we keep it simple, 2 applications of Spartan at 25ml per 100m2 costs as little as $6 and prevents winter grass for up to six months, if you’ve ever had to hand weed winter grass you know that’s the easiest decision you will ever make.


Lawn renovation

Depending on your lawn’s health a lawn renovation to improve the quality can work wonders for your lawn. The most common form of lawn renovation is a scalp where the lawn mower is simply lowered a few settings and some of the old leaf is removed allowing nice fresh new growth to come through, resulting in a match greener lawn. There are other more complex renovations that aim to improve the soil and we hope to get some articles on these soon.

The benefits of a lawn program

Having a lawn care program might sound a little weird or even excessive, but it makes a lot of sense. Weeds, disease, insects and your lawns growth are all tied into soil temperature. That soil temperature is controlled by the seasons, so if we know what the weather is doing and what the soil temperature will be at various times of year it makes it easy to predict what lawn grubs and weeds are looking to invade your lawn.

The benefits of applying the right product at the right time are obvious:

  • Reduced weeds
  • Reduced insect image
  • Reduced disease
  • Improved turf quality
  • Better looking lawn
  • Reduced cost
  • Better results from application


What lawn program is right for me

At The Lawn Shed we’ve developed several programs because some of us prefer applying granulars less frequently and then others prefer spoon feeding their lawn applying products more regularly in a liquid format.

When deciding which program is right for you you need to ask a few questions and they are:

  • How much do I want to spend on my lawn?
  • How often do I want to be applying products
  • What are my lawn goals? e.g. best lawn in the street, something for the kids, or an organic lawn


At The Lawn Shed we have a range of packs which support these lawn care programs and give you a nice discount.

You can purchase all these products individually also through The Lawn Shed with our user-friendly payment methods:

  • Visa or Mastercard
  • Paypal


If you’re looking for fantastic advice on any aspect of lawn care then you should follow along on our YouTube channel, LawnFlix where our resident Lawn Genius shows you how to apply, how to calculate and just generally everything lawn related.


Thanks for reading this blog, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for well-timed lawn advice, because timing is very important in getting the best results for your lawn.

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