Is weed and feed enough for your lawn?

plant fertiliser

Written by Ian Thompson

Ian holds a Masters in Turf Management from Sydney University, has over 20 years experience working as a golf course Superintendent, turf manager, product formulation and development. We call him our resident Lawn genius.

I’m often asked what to do when it comes to lawn care, beyond mowing the lawn, what’s next? Well, there are the obvious ones like watering and edging the lawn. Those are the basics, beyond that the next task to consider is a weed and feed. This involves killing off those pesky weeds and feeding your lawn so it’s nice dense green and healthy. I’m sure you can agree a good idea, if only you can be sure of good results and make it easy to do. Well at The Lawn Shed that’s exactly what we are here to help with.


What we currently do on the lawn

When it comes to garden and lawn care it can be quite confusing what products you need to get the best results without killing your lawn. So it’s not surprising that we grab whatever is convenient. If that works for you then great, keep doing it, but if you’re looking for better results than now’s the time to do a little research, because the right product applied at the right time will give fantastic results.

This starts with identifying your lawn type and the weeds in your lawn. Not the easiest task, so if you need help the lawn genius is here to help you.


What benefits you get from weeding

Weeds can quite literally be a pain in the ass, so much so that they have even started to become a part of our culture, with most of us used to seeing seeds like bindi in the bottom of our thongs come summertime. Weeds can also create other issues within your lawn such as:

  • Steal nutrients from your lawn
  • Steal water from your lawn
  • Produce flowers and seeds that can cause allergic reactions
  • Dying out in summer leaving bare areas
  • Increase your need for mowing
  • Reduce the aesthetic appearance


All in all, it makes sense to have a professional quality lawn herbicide in the shed, check out our range today.


What benefits you get from feeding

A lawn is only as good as the soil beneath it. So when thinking of fertilising we should be think of improving our soil and the amount of nutrients in it. Once the levels are topped up they can be drawn up by the plants roots. A healthy soil will result in:

  • A beautiful deep green coloured lawn
  • Dense and thick lawn
  • Reduced weeds
  • Improved soil health with an increase of microbes
  • Improved lawn strength allowing it to recover from stressful periods such as drought floods insect and disease damage


So, it makes sense to ensure your soil is feeding your lawn correctly, check out our range today.


What a weed and feed should look like

When we at The Lawn Shed think about what a weed and feed should look like we think about what’s done at the professional turf stadiums golf courses cricket pitches tennis courts around Australia because that’s where the best results are achieved.

Step 1

Identify the weeds in your lawn as well as your lawn type. Select a herbicide that will knock these weeds out without damaging your lawn. If this is your first time doing this then don’t be afraid to reach out for help.

Step 2

Choose the right fertiliser, in the right format for your lawn, as well as your preferred format of granular or liquid lawn fertiliser.

Step 3

Apply the fertiliser and water into your lawn. Once dry or the following day apply the herbicide.

That’s it, it really is that simple. Just remember to identify your weeds, select the right product and you’ll get the right results.


What else can you do to boost your lawn

Well this is one of those how long is a piece of string questions.

We recommend that all our customers start with regular mowing, regular watering and regular edging of their lawn. After that, the next step is to weed and feed.

Once you’ve stepped up your lawn game to the professional weed and feed level we recommend that you look into one of our programs. They are simple to follow and allow you to get the right product down at the right time to get great results. Our Lawn Play granular is one of our favourites.

We do also highly recommend that if you’re alone lover like us that you protect your lawn from insects using one of our professional quality insecticides. Lastly, because we get so many questions about winter grass and crab grass we recommend the use of Spartan to prevent these coming up in your lawn.


You can purchase all these products and many more at the Lawn Shed with our user-friendly payment methods:

  • Visa or Mastercard
  • Paypal


If you’re looking for fantastic advice on any aspect of lawn care then you should follow along on our YouTube channel, LawnFlix where our resident Lawn Genius shows you how to apply, how to calculate and just generally everything lawn related.


Thanks for reading this blog, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for well-timed lawn advice, because timing is very important in getting the best results for your lawn.


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