Welcome to our handy knowledge bank

Here you’ll find hints, tips and tricks on how to make your lawns and gardens the envy of your neighbourhood. Built from our Ag Scientists’ collective 200 years of experience, it’s all explained in laymen’s terms. Thankfully.

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While we continue to add more tips from the Pros to this section – and the rest of the content on The Lawn Shed site -we realise you may not find all the answers you need yet. (Especially if you have a unique or particularly weird problem.)

But fortunately, thanks to our team’s vast experience in professional turf, there’s not much we haven’t seen, diagnosed and cured.

So if you can’t find the answers you need in our problem solvers or articles, just contact us at [email protected] with your questions and please include photos which will help us, help you.

Our friendly support team, headed up by the big-brained Ian Thompson (who has a Master of Agriculture in Turf Management) will soon have your lawns and gardens in tip-top condition.



Lawn fungus is a common occurrence in most home lawns especially during periods of heat and rainfall.  We don’t believe that the first action is...

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How to lay a new lawn

How to lay a new lawn

Well the best advice we've always been given is to lay your lawn green side up… but it is a little more complicated than that. Step 1Soil...

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